
  • my sweetness control is default-1, (gong cha/kft 70%)
  • some of these takes are extremely outdated (ordered chronologically but not dated)
  • also forgot to log boba for like 4 months.

my gotos

ume mango mango with boba (fruity)

  • i consistently order this drink from ume. to me, it has the perfect amount of chewables (mango, boba, sago) to snack on, with a wonderfully refreshing milk base to wash it down. my favourite part of this drink is it can be ordered with or without green tea, so i can order this drink at any time in the day.

sunright boba milk tea (classic)

  • imo, this is the best classic “milk tea”. the ceylon tea has a deep and rich flavor, and the boba is extremely consistent. hard to go wrong with this classic.

tp tea strawberry matcha latte (matcha)

  • imo, tp tea has a great matcha — absent of that unfavorable chalky mouth feel in a lot of matchas.

boba log

(newest at top) c

boba shopdrinkreview
8.2heyteamilk tea bobo shakesimilar to tancha creamio/tpump smoothie, i recommended getting regular sweetness. great texture on boba
7.4heyteacloud mulberry strawberrygreat drink if you like mulberries (a lot of fruit chunks)
8.5tpteamango passionfruit
9.5heyteacoconut mango boomneed to try everything they have
3.0yifangbrown sugar matcha latteit was so thick for no reason
8.5molly teajasmine milk teaa better and cheaper version of chi cha; consistently good but does not serve boba :(
7.5tanchamilk team creamiomilk smoothie with icecream, good if you like smoothie texture
8.0chi chahoney osmanthus oolongoverpriced; michelin star is a stretch
6.0tpumprose vanilla green milk tpeai like their boba but their tea flavor falls under the abg boba category
5.0mr sunmango milk teathe texture of the homemade boba has been consistently letting me down
8.03cateaavomangoruns a little sour but is an acquired taste
7.07leavesmung beanwas a unique flavor to me
3.0pekoethai me upalso abg boba, literal tisane clone. what are these names, and why did even the thai tea taste like medicine
3.0tisaneblushabg boba, amazing medicine aftertaste
8.5feng chamango aulieteboba is good but 50% ran a little sweet
7.0xing fu tangthe originalboba was much better, way too sweet; boba was chewier
5.0odd ones outchampion with winter melon silk bobadid not like silk boba…
7.8tenrenoriginal milk teagood boba 8.5 softness but not quite the tea. flavor is ok; tastes a little artificial
8.4tpteatie guan yin milk teasuch a strong and unique flavor. would order again
7.2umestrawberry matchamochi didn’t go well with it
8.0chachacha 99teaassam black milk teamilk tea was rich and had a great flavor, texture of boba was also great
8.5yifangmango sagoreally good (no boba)
umeoolong mochiboba was too chewy, oolong flavor too strong
8.03cateaube mochireally good but so overpriced
5.4happy lemonroasted okinawaruns really sweet, got 75% and was too sweet, boba sucks - has a bite to it, not a good chewy, tasted undercooked.
7.0boba guystie guan yin oolongboba is tiny but pretty good sweetness is low
8.5feng chacrème brûléeprobably the closest to best boba i’ve had — is good runs sweet (even at 50%)
7.0xing fu tangbrown sugar boba milkreally squishy boba. runs super sweet, not a fan of ordering milk drinks lol.
3.0tapioca expressmangonadaattrocious, texture really icy
7.6umemango sago
5.0teatopsome fruit tea?
8.5sunrightceylon tea with cheese foamBOBA is GAS
7.3mr sunstraw berry milk teagas homemade balls
8.9tpteastrawberry milk tea smoothie

want to go

  • cha cha go
  • zero&
  • moon tea